M4 vs M1: 0-1
Peter and I were sitting around glaring at Quickbooks this afternoon when I got a phone call from Jen, a captain in the Maroon division. She'd had a last-minute cancellation and would I like to sub in Maroon? Does the Pope work Sundays?? So we shoved all my stuff in my bag and hightailed it over to Fremont, where I subbed for the Flip-Flops.
I had a Great. Freakin'. Time.
I played D with Marci, Cara, and Sharon, and had a total blast. I was particularly proud of one turbo boost run down the ice to catch up with a breakaway -- it was one of those awesome Robby Glantz runs where everything just worked well and I wasn't even short of breath despite hauling ass all the way down the ice. I love it when that happens!
One skater on the other team looked at my red socks during a faceoff and said, "you're not really in Red, are you?", which totally made my day/weekend/season.
Anyway, totally awesome kickass fun. Any doubts I had about trying out for Maroon again completely flew away after that game.
Drunken Pirates vs R1: 1-3
After the Maroon game, I got dressed super fast and we drove back across the bay to Belmont for my Red game.
It was a decent enough game but felt very "thwappy", especially after playing the Maroon game. It was pretty physical, not always in a good way, and one of our D hit her head pretty hard during her first shift. I had been playing wing before that, but she decided to sit out the rest of the game a few shifts later, so I switched to center.
It had been a while since I'd played center, but I did OK. I tweaked my back somehow in the beginning of the game and it made it really hard to stand up straight. Skating wasn't really a problem since I don't stand up straight then (yay!) but getting over the boards was a pain in the..well, in the back.
Anyway, I had a couple of decent plays and a few good pokes, but the game was otherwise uneventful.
All those girls have such "thick" legs! :-)
Posted by: Phil | Friday, August 21, 2009 at 04:27 AM
Funny how shin guards will do that!
Posted by: carolyn | Friday, August 21, 2009 at 12:40 PM