Yesterday I bought my second pair of Daytona Ladystar GTX boots.
Here was my first pair:
By my calculations (by which I mean looking back at old blog entries), these boots lasted from July 2002 until January 2008, with over 75,000 miles on them.
The only reason I gave up on them was that there was the teensiest of holes in a cracked leather part near my toe. 99% of the time it was fine, but during the flooding we've been having here this past week, my foot would be wet when I got to work.
So, I treated myself to these:
Same exact boots, but a brand new pair. Purr. The first thing I noticed on the ride home from Helimot is how much the tread must have worn down on the old pair. It was like getting an extra little bit of rise for free! ;)
Helmut and crew kept my old pair at the shop to show off to customers. If you're going to spend $400 on boots, people want to know how the boots are going to hold up; with 6 years of active wear, that's only $65/year for the best boots I've ever come across. Well worth every penny.
Oh yes. I adore my Daytonas. Best boots I ever bought. Great for riding, good for walking and decent as waders-which you pointed out a couple years back.
Posted by: Stephanie | Sunday, January 27, 2008 at 12:12 PM
That’s great news. Mine are still going strong. I got mine in Spring of 2004, so now 4 almost years later, and about 80,000+ miles, There are no holes or tears yet, although in 2006 I bought some black shoe polish paint and I restored the color form gray back to black. It looks like this year I’ll have to do that again, they are starting to look grayish again.
Posted by: VIVID1 | Friday, February 15, 2008 at 02:44 PM