Wow, I'm just blogtastic tonight, huh.
I just got an email from Alice Sexton, president of WIMA USA, about Changing Gears.
Changing Gears will be a motorcycle ride in October, from San Diego to San Francisco, done by 20 breast cancer survivors. While skimming the website, I realized I'd met one of the riders, Jamie Lang, up in Anchorage. She's a really neat lady; I can only imagine the other 19 riders are equally spunky and strong.
Anyhoo, go to the website, read about it, and think about making a donation. Statistically, one out of every seven women that you (yes, you!) know personally will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. By donating, we can help fight a disease and see 20 kickass women ride their motorcycles for a week up the CA coast. Woo!
Hey, Carolyn - cool of you to mention Jamie. She is very excited about doing the tour. ;-)
I would just like to take a few moments here to promote breast self exams and mammograms. My cousin found a lump before Christmas - didn't want to ruin anyone's holidays, so didn't go to the doctor until, what turned out to be, too late. She passed away a couple of weeks ago. Very hard on her mom, my aunt, who lost a sister to breast cancer in 1972.
So, you all check yourselves out - then let the docs check you out - and get those mammorgrams - okay?
There are three of my 7 mentioned just in this one comment alone - and I know the other 4, also.
thanks, Carolyn!
Posted by: barbara | Monday, July 26, 2004 at 11:51 PM
Hey, Carolyn,
Thanks for the compliments and mentioning Changing Gears - and YES, the women in this bunch are WARRIORS! It's going to be a super ride.
And since we're ending in SF, can we hook up for a night out, martini style?
Posted by: Jamie Lang | Tuesday, July 27, 2004 at 06:48 PM
Hrm.....lemme think about that...well.....OK, I guess. ;)
Heck yeah! Send me an email ([email protected]) and we'll assemble the troops. Are you sticking around SF for a couple days after the ride, or heading straight back to the Great White North?
Posted by: carolyn | Tuesday, July 27, 2004 at 07:18 PM