From today:
NC Motorcyclists' Mileage Database
I have a relatively pitiful 26 mile/day average. I blame this on my short commutes -- my current daily commute is only 25 miles round-trip, and it's the longest commute I've had.
Who are these people with 100+ mile/day averages? Where do I get that kind of vacation time? :D I think I'm most impressed with the R1 rider with a 75 mile/day average. Damn.
Well.. in the summer I use the bike for ANY sort of transportation. So if you think about it.. 100 miles a day in a non-city environment is nothing. I've got a 20 mile commute to work, often I go home at lunch to visit the dog and the kitties, and then go back... thats easily 80 miles right there, without breaking a sweat. When your in the city, I would think things are a little differnt.
P.S. 63 degree weather today. I'm in heaven.. cant ride yet... but either way.. :)
Posted by: Alex | Friday, March 26, 2004 at 04:14 PM
Man, those numbers are insane. 170,000 miles in a year and a half? It's got to be some retired guy touring the country. I've never even put 20,000 miles on my CAR in a year.
I've got a 6-7 mile commute, and indeed average 6 miles per day. The longer trips I take fill in for the days I don't ride to work.
Posted by: wookiee | Sunday, March 28, 2004 at 07:07 AM